viernes, 4 de junio de 2010


In order to make something more funny than listen or repeat words to learn about animals, we've decided to make paper bag puppets!

In this website we have the instructions to make our puppets and the different animal models, we can make from dogs to pandas.

Click HERE!


Find the words in the following crossword! On the right side you'll find the list of farm animals that you have to find in the box!

You can print it!


Once we've learned the names of Farm Animals, we'll sing together a song to learn the sounds too.

Here are the video and the lyrics of the song to keep singing all together filling the gaps!


Let's go down to the farm
and see the animals

Can you see a ___ ?
Can you see a ___ ?
Can you see a pig ?
Can you see a ___ ?

Moo moo goes the cow!
Baa baa goes the seep!
Oink oink goes the pig!
Maa maa goes the goat!

Down on the farm!

Let's go down to the farm
and see the animals

Can you see a ___ ?
Can you see a chicken ?
Can you see a ___ ?
Can you see a ___ ?

Neigh neigh goes the horse!
Cluck cluck goes the chicken!
Quack quack goes the duck!
Woof woof goes the __ !

Down on the farm!

Let's go down to the farm
and see the animals

Let's go down to the farm
and see the animals


There are a lot of animals in the world, so we'll start learning the more common animals: Farm Animals.
Firstly, we'll see the pictures and the animals' names of this picture:

Click here to see the picture!

And then, after learning the pronuntiation, we'll do some matching activities

1st activity:

Click here.

2nd activity:

Click here.


First of all, we're going to see a short video to start learning some easy animals'names.
The animals appear two times, the first time we'll pay a lot of atention.. and the second time we'll repeat the names to improve our vocalitation!